Fake Twitter accounts. We've all seen them poised hopefully on the margins of conversation, ready to spring into action should any man feel his manhood underwhelming, desire cheap prescription medication without the troubling requirement for a doctor's visit, or merely wish to chat with attractive Eastern European women who are waiting for his call.
But it seems there are other applications for such accounts. In a previous episode I detailed some telltale signs that led me to the discovery that Ireland Stand Up has 11% fake Christian followers. Each fake account was made on either December 6th or December 9th, 2011, and each one had a Twitter biography made up of a random selection of the following phrases:
(too) assionate about Twitter and Facebook :), Addicted to FB :), Artist, Child of God, Christ Follower, Down to earth, Fall is my favorite season, Go green! , God fills my Heart, Happy by nature, I live to serve Him in everything I do, I love God, Jesus is my Bio, Life coach, Life influencer, Life is a beautiful struggle, Liker of vintage things, Living by faith, Love hard,work hard,play hard, Love this gift of God: Life, Lover of Good, Hater of evil, Lover of people, Mother & Facebook user, Passionate shopper, Speaker, Spontaneous, a bit impulsive :), Teacher, Thinker..., Tweeter, Wife & love to tweet :), Worship leader
As you can tell from the pictures above many had remarkably similar faces. In all cases location and timezone information was absent, and in all cases the first name was capitalised but the last name spelled entirely in lower case.
I've found just shy of three hundred of these fake accounts so far, but I'm still scratching my head as to what they're used for. None have URLs listed, and having pulled the last tweets from all I found only evangelical and apologetics quotes - no attempts to garner cash.
Are they being sold as followers? Possibly. As I mentioned, 11% of Ireland Stand Up's followers trace their origins to this group. But I haven't been able to find any organisation supported by more than 84 fake followers, which seems an unusual number to purchase. Perhaps there were more which have since been banned by Twitter?
What else could motivate someone to make so many fake Christian accounts? Having access to hundreds of fake accounts would be rather useful if one wished to of falsely report, say, atheists as spammers. And it could easily allow online polls that allow Twitter logons to be manipulated. Maybe it's part of some long-term scheme that will only come to completion when the accounts are over a year old. They have an average of 276 followers each, mostly real, showing that piety doesn't necessarily need intelligence behind it to engender support, and the puppet master could be awaiting a certain threshold before action.
The investigation has left me with more questions than answers. I've followed a dozen of them; they don't DM or auto follow back. Maybe the best thing to do is to report them to Twitter and have them shut down. I've listed all the accounts I've found so far - there are likely others unfound - if you wish to look into it further. Or maybe there's something else I can check? Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Allison gaulton (@Allisongaulton_)
Allison gaulton (@Allisongaulton6)
Allison gaulton (@AllisongaultonB)
Allison gaulton (@AllisongaultonH)
Allison gaulton (@AllisongaultonP)
Amber houlding (@Amberhoulding_f)
Amber houlding (@Amberhoulding_j)
Amber houlding (@Amberhoulding_t)
Amber houlding (@Amberhoulding5T)
Amber houlding (@Amberhoulding6y)
Amber houlding (@Amberhoulding74)
Amber houlding (@AmberhouldingFf)
Amber houlding (@AmberhouldingGA)
Amber houlding (@AmberhouldingJd)
Amber houlding (@AmberhouldingKk)
Amber houlding (@AmberhouldingXL)
Amy bracegirdle (@Amybracegirdle_)
Amy bracegirdle (@Amybracegirdle0)
Amy bracegirdle (@AmybracegirdleD)
Amy kilpatrick (@Amykilpatrick_9)
Amy kilpatrick (@Amykilpatrick_F)
Amy kilpatrick (@Amykilpatrick_V)
Amy kilpatrick (@AmykilpatrickTo)
Amy kilpatrick (@AmykilpatrickZQ)
Anna shepard (@Annashepard_Tne)
April bracken (@Aprilbracken_7Q)
April bracken (@Aprilbracken_9g)
April bracken (@Aprilbracken_s5)
April bracken (@Aprilbracken_Ys)
April bracken (@Aprilbracken05c)
April bracken (@Aprilbracken7Jm)
April bracken (@AprilbrackenFCE)
April bracken (@AprilbrackenFOu)
April bracken (@AprilbrackenJLI)
April bracken (@AprilbrackenM0j)
April bracken (@AprilbrackenNoj)
April bracken (@AprilbrackenUDP)
Carrie fulcher (@Carriefulcher_c)
Carrie fulcher (@Carriefulcher_V)
Carrie fulcher (@Carriefulcher05)
Catherine toone (@Catherinetoone_)
Catherine toone (@Catherinetoone9)
Catherine toone (@CatherinetooneB)
Catherine toone (@CatherinetooneK)
Catherine toone (@CatherinetooneU)
Catherine toone (@CatherinetooneX)
Cynthia nelson (@Cynthianelson_j)
Cynthia nelson (@Cynthianelson_L)
Cynthia nelson (@CynthianelsonFz)
Cynthia nelson (@CynthianelsonMw)
Cynthia nelson (@CynthianelsonTC)
Dana edgeley (@Danaedgeley_cln)
Dana edgeley (@Danaedgeley_tWk)
Dana edgeley (@Danaedgeley04u)
Dana edgeley (@DanaedgeleyGom_)
Dana edgeley (@DanaedgeleyMBq_)
Dana edgeley (@DanaedgeleyN1a)
Dana edgeley (@DanaedgeleyZoi)
Denise spurr (@Denisespurr_MKu)
Denise spurr (@DenisespurrDWn)
Denise spurr (@DenisespurrK4k)
Denise spurr (@DenisespurrUbq)
Denise spurr (@DenisespurrXYy)
Elizabeth heyne (@Elizabethheyne_)
Elizabeth heyne (@ElizabethheyneD)
Elizabeth heyne (@Elizabethheynee)
Elizabeth heyne (@ElizabethheyneJ)
Elizabeth heyne (@ElizabethheyneR)
Elizabeth heyne (@Elizabethheynes)
Erica austin (@Ericaaustin_JSn)
Erica austin (@EricaaustinAgw_)
Erica austin (@EricaaustinATAP)
Erica austin (@EricaaustinBEDP)
Erica austin (@EricaaustinMLHX)
Erika harbuck (@Erikaharbuck47t)
Erika harbuck (@ErikaharbuckOyz)
Erika harbuck (@ErikaharbuckSDk)
Erika harbuck (@ErikaharbuckZwt)
Heather mawley (@Heathermawley_4)
Heather mawley (@Heathermawley_6)
Heather mawley (@Heathermawley_o)
Heather mawley (@Heathermawley_Y)
Heather mawley (@HeathermawleyKz)
Jill hogarth (@JillhogarthR3d_)
Julia greig (@Juliagreig_fSe)
Julia greig (@Juliagreig_Ttt)
Julia greig (@Juliagreig_x2p)
Julia greig (@JuliagreigIBUY)
Julia greig (@JuliagreigL3o)
Julia greig (@JuliagreigUQKU)
Julie southward (@Juliesouthward_)
Julie southward (@JuliesouthwardA)
Julie southward (@JuliesouthwardB)
Julie southward (@JuliesouthwardG)
Julie southward (@JuliesouthwardJ)
Julie southward (@JuliesouthwardY)
Kristina nabors (@Kristinanabors1)
Kristina nabors (@Kristinanabors9)
Kristina nabors (@KristinanaborsA)
Kristina nabors (@KristinanaborsS)
Kristina nabors (@KristinanaborsT)
Kristina nabors (@KristinanaborsU)
Laura houlding (@Laurahoulding_g)
Laura houlding (@Laurahoulding_x)
Laura houlding (@Laurahoulding7L)
Laura houlding (@LaurahouldingHm)
Laura houlding (@LaurahouldingTc)
Lindsay jacob (@Lindsayjacob_mF)
Lindsay jacob (@Lindsayjacob1lv)
Lindsay jacob (@Lindsayjacob3ke)
Lindsay jacob (@Lindsayjacob8ta)
Lindsay jacob (@LindsayjacobJAG)
Lindsay jacob (@LindsayjacobWTf)
Lindsay jacob (@LindsayjacobXKq)
Lindsey donald (@Lindseydonald_E)
Lindsey donald (@Lindseydonald_i)
Lindsey donald (@Lindseydonald_W)
Lindsey donald (@Lindseydonald4I)
Lindsey donald (@LindseydonaldCl)
Lindsey donald (@LindseydonaldIv)
Lindsey donald (@LindseydonaldNV)
Lindsey donald (@LindseydonaldXi)
Lisa dart (@Lisadart_3sm)
Lisa dart (@Lisadart_y6s)
Lisa dart (@Lisadart1sv)
Lisa dart (@Lisadart1vf_)
Lisa dart (@Lisadart2p_)
Lisa dart (@LisadartAje_)
Lori toone (@Loritoone_7ql)
Lori toone (@Loritoone_GBu)
Lori toone (@Loritoone_gUz)
Lori toone (@Loritoone_qYh)
Lori toone (@Loritoone_U5y)
Lori toone (@Loritoone6nf)
Lori toone (@LoritooneAay)
Lori toone (@LoritooneAWl_)
Lori toone (@LoritooneAzn)
Lori toone (@LoritoonePdj)
Lori toone (@Loritoones0a)
Lori toone (@LoritooneVAy)
Mary keir (@Marykeir_4dp)
Mary keir (@Marykeir_5Gb)
Mary keir (@Marykeir_Fz)
Mary keir (@Marykeir_gky)
Mary keir (@Marykeir_pSg)
Mary keir (@Marykeir1Zq)
Mary keir (@Marykeir7Rr)
Mary keir (@MarykeirMtx_)
Mary keir (@MarykeirNtz)
Mary keir (@MarykeirQAz_)
Mary keir (@MarykeirRlc_)
Mary keir (@MarykeirThm)
Mary swaine (@Maryswaine_IOk)
Mary swaine (@MaryswaineNCj)
Mary swaine (@Maryswainer1i)
Melanie moseley (@Melaniemoseley7)
Melanie moseley (@MelaniemoseleyA)
Melanie moseley (@MelaniemoseleyC)
Melanie moseley (@MelaniemoseleyG)
Melanie moseley (@MelaniemoseleyK)
Melanie moseley (@MelaniemoseleyO)
Melanie moseley (@MelaniemoseleyY)
Melanie moseley (@MelaniemoseleyZ)
Monica symonds (@Monicasymonds_C)
Monica symonds (@Monicasymonds_E)
Monica symonds (@Monicasymonds_f)
Monica symonds (@Monicasymonds_h)
Monica symonds (@Monicasymonds_q)
Monica symonds (@Monicasymonds10)
Monica symonds (@Monicasymonds1F)
Monica symonds (@MonicasymondsR8)
Monica symonds (@MonicasymondsRW)
Monica symonds (@MonicasymondsYz)
Natalie hogarth (@Nataliehogarth_)
Natalie hogarth (@Nataliehogarth7)
Natalie hogarth (@NataliehogarthK)
Natalie hogarth (@NataliehogarthO)
Natalie hogarth (@NataliehogarthP)
Natalie hogarth (@Nataliehogarths)
Natalie hogarth (@NataliehogarthX)
Natalie hogarth (@NataliehogarthY)
Rachel mcgregor (@Rachelmcgregor_)
Rachel mcgregor (@Rachelmcgregor3)
Rachel mcgregor (@Rachelmcgregor6)
Rachel mcgregor (@RachelmcgregorB)
Rachel mcgregor (@RachelmcgregorH)
Rachel mcgregor (@RachelmcgregorQ)
Rachel mcgregor (@RachelmcgregorS)
Samantha true (@Samanthatrue_0L)
Samantha true (@Samanthatrue_As)
Samantha true (@Samanthatrue_eM)
Samantha true (@Samanthatrue_oF)
Samantha true (@Samanthatrue_uq)
Samantha true (@Samanthatrue1wa)
Samantha true (@SamanthatrueXOu)
Sandra blake (@Sandrablake_mHd)
Sandra blake (@Sandrablake2sx)
Sandra blake (@Sandrablake4Em)
Sandra blake (@SandrablakeN2k_)
Sara reresby (@Sarareresby_l5v)
Sara reresby (@Sarareresby_Mgv)
Sara reresby (@Sarareresby_Z9l)
Sara reresby (@Sarareresby9fe_)
Sara reresby (@SarareresbyCCp_)
Sara reresby (@SarareresbyHzw_)
Sara reresby (@SarareresbyK0w_)
Sarah mawley (@Sarahmawley_Dyj)
Sarah mawley (@Sarahmawley_Inm)
Sarah mawley (@Sarahmawley_xlf)
Sarah mawley (@Sarahmawley1Lh)
Sarah mawley (@Sarahmawley4Bu_)
Sarah mawley (@SarahmawleyCOOR)
Sarah mawley (@SarahmawleyKcw)
Sarah mawley (@SarahmawleyTTUF)
Sarah mawley (@SarahmawleyULMS)
Stacey swafford (@Staceyswafford_)
Stacey swafford (@Staceyswafford4)
Stacey swafford (@Staceyswafford5)
Stacey swafford (@StaceyswaffordA)
Stacey swafford (@StaceyswaffordN)
Stacey trevor (@Staceytrevor_Da)
Stacey trevor (@Staceytrevor_OB)
Stacey trevor (@Staceytrevor_vH)
Stacey trevor (@Staceytrevor_y3)
Stacey trevor (@Staceytrevor8eh)
Stacey trevor (@StaceytrevorLtj)
Stacey trevor (@StaceytrevorPUi)
Stacey trevor (@StaceytrevorSLw)
Stacey trevor (@StaceytrevorTUy)
Susan thompson (@Susanthompson_H)
Susan thompson (@Susanthompson_X)
Susan thompson (@SusanthompsonDg)
Susan thompson (@SusanthompsonJI)
Susan thompson (@SusanthompsonSP)
Teresa greig (@Teresagreig_Fbg)
Teresa greig (@Teresagreig_GQf)
Teresa greig (@TeresagreigsWd)
Teresa greig (@TeresagreigUEk_)
Teresa spurr (@Teresaspurr_Hva)
Teresa spurr (@Teresaspurr_jXc)
Teresa spurr (@Teresaspurr_NFn)
Teresa spurr (@Teresaspurr6Dz)
Teresa spurr (@TeresaspurrRCr)
Tina jacob (@Tinajacob_gTk)
Tina jacob (@Tinajacob_Qti)
Vanessa edgeley (@Vanessaedgeley2)
Vanessa edgeley (@Vanessaedgeley3)
Vanessa edgeley (@Vanessaedgeley5)
Vanessa respy (@Vanessarespy_0c)
Vanessa respy (@Vanessarespy_0c)
Vanessa respy (@Vanessarespy_ff)
Vanessa respy (@Vanessarespy_ff)
Vanessa respy (@Vanessarespy_mK)
Vanessa respy (@Vanessarespy_mK)
Vanessa respy (@Vanessarespy3Ct)
Vanessa respy (@Vanessarespy3Ct)
Vanessa respy (@Vanessarespy3d_)
Vanessa respy (@Vanessarespy3d_)
Vanessa respy (@VanessarespyOOq)
Vanessa respy (@VanessarespyOOq)
Vanessa respy (@VanessarespyYYq)
Vanessa respy (@VanessarespyYYq)
Vanessa respy (@VanessarespyZYX)
Vanessa respy (@VanessarespyZYX)
Veronica respy (@Veronicarespy_6)
Veronica welsh (@Veronicawelsh_6)
Veronica welsh (@Veronicawelsh_p)
just posting to say that this is worth pursuing.
good work!
Thanks! I appreciate the feedback and encouragement.
Also feel compelled to say great work. Fascinating.
Thanks David!
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