Saturday, July 7, 2012

Resorting to violence

In two weeks' time I'll don some 16oz gloves and step into a boxing ring in the Stillorgan Park Hotel. For what will seem to me like an eternity but will seem to you more like three rounds, I'll do my level best to avoid getting punched repeatedly in the face.

Hopefully I'll land a few myself.

It should be a fun night - there'll be a full bar, lots of white collar fights, some amateur bouts and rumours of a celebrity referee. All proceeds on the night are going to support sport in the local community, and all coaches are volunteers.

I've enjoyed the training over the past two months - I've gone from someone who thought of Katie Taylor as "herself from the Lucozade ad" to someone who occasionally remembers to keep his chin down.

So, if you'd like to cheer me on, or if you'd just like to see me get punched in the face, get in touch. geoffsshorts atsign or a comment below will work. 20 quid a ticket, 10 quid with valid student ID, 8pm, July 21st, Stillorgan Park Hotel.

  • Does this have anything to do with atheism? No, bar the mild irony that I'm training in the same facilities as Angel's Boxing Club.
  • Will this be a regular thing? Who knows? Training's pretty tough, but fun, and I like the idea of raising funds for a worthy initiative. I'd certainly be interested in doing other charity gigs.
  • Have you boxed before? I've done some Tae Kwon Do, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, a brief stint at Thai Boxing, all in my early twenties, but no boxing.
  • Will it be on YouTube? I'm afraid you'll just have to struggle off the couch if you want to see me in shorts.
  • How do I get there? Luas green line or either the 145 or 46a will get you there.
  • Discount for atheists? No.

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